Mission Statement

To promote the arts by coordinating assemblies of young artists of all ages to draw their vision of peace in public and private spaces with sidewalk chalk as a scheduled worldwide event;

-To advocate for peace in a non-partisan manner such that all people may share their visions and messages of peace without regard to their nationality, ethnicity, or political beliefs;

- To encourage relationships between municipalities and artists so that communities around the world become united in supporting the expression of peace.

as stated in our Articles of Incorporation for CHALK4PEACE, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non profit arts organization


CHALK4PEACE Mission Statement:

- To promote the arts by coordinating assemblies of young artists of all ages to draw their vision of peace in public and private spaces with sidewalk chalk as a scheduled worldwide event;

-To advocate for peace in a non-partisan manner such that all people may share their visions and messages of peace without regard to their nationality, ethnicity, or political beliefs;

- To encourage relationships between municipalities and artists so that communities around the world become united in supporting the expression of peace.