C4P at the UN
CHALK4PEACE at the United Nations, Student Peace Day Observance, 9/16/16
With great gratitude to our partner, PEACE DAY 365, and the UN Department of Information.
Photo credits: Jerry Downs, Jim Tretick, Marielle Mariano, John Aaron, Jean Trudel, UN Photo
CHALK4PEACE at the United Nations, Student Peace Day Observance, 9/16/16
Thank you to Peace Day 365, the UN Department of Public Information, the United Nations General Assembly. This is a gallery of photos and videos taken during the International Student Peace Day Conference at the United Nations 9/16/16 Team CHALK4PEACE, composed of Jerry Downs, Marielle Mariano, Jim Tretick and John Aaron traveled to New York from California and DC to organize and facilitate a 35 foot diameter peace symbol they then encouraged all passersby to the conference to leave their message of peace, offering a study guide of 100 Languages of Peace. It was astonishing to watch. More than 1500 CHALKSTARS took the time to share their messages and visions with the project that day. These are the images from the event.
Photo credits: Jerry Downs, Jim Tretick, Marielle Mariano, John Aaron, Jean Trudel, UN Photo