News from the Sidewalk

CHALK4PEACE is the global chalk art project about peace. We celebrate our eleventh year as a worldwide event encouraging peace. CHALK4PEACE, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization.

We've had more than 1000 events in 50 countries and have covered more than 12 miles of pavement with messages and visions of peace in sidewalk chalk...

We believe in  "Drawing the World Together..."

CHALK4PEACE participated in the Peace Day Student Observance at the United Nations in New York City in 2016 to honor the International Day of Peace. Hundreds of thousands of young artists of all ages have joined us since 2005.

Our goal: ONE MILLION artists Chalking 4 Peace at the same time...

Because we need Peace...Now more than ever...



On May 24, 2015, thirty international women peacemakers will walk with Korean women from the north and south Korean borders to call for an official end to the Korean War and a new beginning for a reunified Korea.

UPDATE: The Women's Walk For Peace turned into a ride as officials, concerned for the marchers' safety, required that they cross the 2 mile DMZ via bus. The crossing was completed safely, without incident.

Twitter: @WomenCrossDMZ

This takes great courage, given the North Korean totalitarian stance of isolationism and human rights.


Some of the participants are: Maired Maguire, Gloria Steinem, Christine Ahn, Medea Benjamin, Hyung-Kyung Chung, Gay Dillingham, Suzie Kim, Abigail Disney and others will march the length of the 2 mile North-South Korean Demilitarized Zone and hold peace conferences in Pyongyang and Seoul where they will discuss how to best mobilize for nonviolence and peace and to reunite long separated Korean families.


CHALK4PEACE supports this expression of peacebuilding and effort towards reconciliation; and will follow WOMENCROSSDMZ WALK FOR PEACE to keep readers up to date on this historic event.

Girl and Boy Scouts rocking CHALK4PEACE!


Both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are big fans of CHALK4PEACE.

Den Mothers Heather Riker Johnson and Beth Peirce Campbell have organized CHALK4PEACE events in Martinsburg, WV and Alexandria, VA and have introduced CHALK4PEACE as an important  approach to peaceful cooperation and are considering a CHALK4PEACE emblem for a merit badge. We encourage a merit badge for CHALK4PEACE!

Thank you to the other Scout troops who have joined us; please join us again!

Thank you to the Scouts for encouraging the world to be at Peace.

We wish every Scout troop and pack in the world will consider joining us for CHALK4PEACE...

Girl Scout Troop 40726, Martinsburg Mall, Martinsburg, WV; courtesy Heather Riker Johnson


Boy Scout Pack 66, St. Joseph's Parish, Martinburg, WV; courtesy Heather Riker Johnson


Girl Scout Troop 849, Wesley United Methodist Church, Alexandria, VA; courtesy Beth Peirce Campbell; photo: Marielle Mariano


Girl Scout Troop 849, Alexandria, VA; courtesy Beth Peirce Campbell


CHALKSTARS: C4P Barcroft E.S. Arlington, VA


Barcroft Elementary School of Arlington, VA is the only location in the world that can boast perfect participation in CHALK4PEACE! Since they joined in to paint the planet the colors of peace in 2006 (and the art was washed away by a rainstorm almost immediately), educators Marel Citron and Alissa Karton have always encouraged Barcroft to CHALK4PEACE. Barcroft brings parents and teachers together on a Saturday in September to fill the sidewalks and parking lot with their annual messages of peace love and understanding. CHALK4PEACE is honored to have such dedication to our event.









Thank you Barcroft Elementary School for keeping the Peace!

CHALKPEACE: Rotaract de Moca, Dominican Republic


Rotaract de Moca in the Dominican Republic has been a driving force of CHALK4PEACE since 2010 and is the first international youth service organization to embrace our cooperative philosophy of peace. Rotaract is the youth branch of Rotary International. Rotaract de Moca has teamed up with other Rotaract groups, Villa Tapia, Bonao, Moca 2 de Mayo, Salcedo and others to hold multiple club CHALK4PEACE events in peace loving Moca, Espaillet. Adrianny Guzman and Ana Cecilia Lasose Hiciano have led the way as organizers bringing their community together in the name and spirit of Peace! photos: Clau Jimenez, Adrianny Guzman image










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