Take action in your community! What young artists need from you:
Places to draw
Paper Towels
Hints and Tips to a successful CHALK4PEACE event:
Organize and sponsor your own local Event(s): or find a local site and join them! Contact us; we can guide you through the planning & show you how it's done. It's easy, it's fun and it's art!
Ask your community leaders to get involved. Talk to your Mayor or City Council members, the Executive Director of your local Arts Center and other Community leaders. Print and bring information about CHALK4PEACE with you. Invite them to visit our website.
Talk to your schools. Tell your kids' teachers. Make it a team effort. Talk to your School principal & teachers, with the PTA and other parents.
Buy the special chalk for your event. Tell your local art supply house that the chalk is for CHALK4PEACE.
Provide a prominent, safe location to draw. If your chosen location requires an event permit, arrange that with your city, county or organization at least 30 days prior to the date of the event.
Ask your Police, Fire Department and Traffic Control to assist by blocking off the area (if the site is a thoroughfare) & washing down the street or sidewalk. Give the site time to dry. Washing it down the evening before is a good idea.
Make sure the artists aren't thirsty or hungry. Ask your local supermarket or bakery to provide refreshments and snacks or coordinate a "picnic style" potluck for the event(s)
Tell your local TV & radio station & local newspaper about your event. Let them know a couple of weeks ahead of time about your special event with a press release.
Digitally document your Event during and immediately after...before it rains (it's what the ladder's get a good view of the art) Chalk Painting is an evanescent's here and gone...
Send us photos of your event; we will include them in the global electronic portfolio and an international exhibition. Please send photos to:
(JPEG format) All photographers retain the copyrights to their works and receive photo credit.