News from the Sidewalk

CHALK4PEACE is the global chalk art project about peace. We celebrate our eleventh year as a worldwide event encouraging peace. CHALK4PEACE, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization.

We've had more than 1000 events in 50 countries and have covered more than 12 miles of pavement with messages and visions of peace in sidewalk chalk...

We believe in  "Drawing the World Together..."

CHALK4PEACE participated in the Peace Day Student Observance at the United Nations in New York City in 2016 to honor the International Day of Peace. Hundreds of thousands of young artists of all ages have joined us since 2005.

Our goal: ONE MILLION artists Chalking 4 Peace at the same time...

Because we need Peace...Now more than ever...

An Instagram post about CHALK4PEACE we didn't know existed from the Jane Goodall Institute

While wandering around on Instagram today (chalk4peace) a friend notified us that she had seen this post....we had never seen this photo from our event at the United Nations; and it seems that a lot of people liked it...Marielle is over on the side always doing the finishing touches...Thank you to The Jane Goodall Institute for their support and enthusiasm. We don't care what they're saying about us in the jungle...just as long we're part of the chatter...!

CHALK4PEACE: The Gatherings

CHALK4PEACE has brought thousands of CHALKSTARS together over the last 12 years to bring their messages of peace to the streets. These photos are some of the gatherings and teams that have helped us make this happen! These photos are from four continents. More and more every year!

We have so many favorite photos of CHALK4PEACE...

Photo: Benko Photographics

Photo: Benko Photographics

CHALK4PEACE maintains a photographic archive of art about peace that holds its own in the global peace movement. The peace our artists create is fleeting. It is our great fortune that sites share their photos with us to share with the world. Their pictures tell their story.

These are C4P fan faves over the years. We have thousands; these are some favorites from four continents...


photo: Marielle Mariano; Woodlawn E.S., Alexandria, VA 2008


photo: Will Fredericks; Crane School, Santa Barbara, CA 2009


 photo: Jerry Downs; Cragmont E.S., Berkeley, CA 2006


 photo: Marilyn Miyamoto; Waples Mill E.S. Oakton, VA 2007


photo: Gabby Heerden/Angela Rackstraw; St. George's Cathedral, Cape Town, South Africa, 2008


 photo: Luciano Brandimarti; Clown & Clown Festival, Monte San Giusto, IT 2010


photo: Alissa Karton; Barcroft E.S., Arlington, VA 2007


photo: S. J. Bleiweis; SOS Bethlehem, West Bank 2007


photo: Ed Talaro; Miriam College Grade School, Quezon City, Philippines 2010


photo: Meghan Snyder; The Gooden School, Sierra Madre, CA 2014


Photo: SD Hall; Open Streets Open HeARTs, Carpinteria, CA 2017

Cover Photo: Benko Photographics; Boulder Public Library, Boulder CO 2006

CHALK4PEACE Open HeARTs at Open Streets, Carpinteria, CA 4/1/17

CHALK4PEACE brought its special brand of interactive expression to the Open Streets Carpinteria Festival with hundreds of young artists of all ages to join us to share the love... some of the art & artists....

CHALK4PEACE will also be kicking up some chalk dust during the Santa Barbara Summer Solstice Parade Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Click on photos below to enlarge- Photos: SD Hall, J. Aaron

#chalk4peace #openstreetscarpinteria #sbopenstreets #chalkpainting
