CHALK4PEACE: Drawing FergUSon Together, the film you helped launch through an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, is now in production. Paradigm Pictures shot 17 hours of video at the Social Justice Summit, Drawing FergUSon Together: A Vision of Peace at St. Louis Community College-Florissant Valley. The editing has begun.We continue to seek funding for the film with grants writing, fundraisers and direct appeal through our social media networks. Even after the Indiegogo campaign, contributions have continued to arrive to help with the costs of film editing, soundtrack and image licensing, special effects, marketing and distribution. We still have a ways to go to raise the monies necessary to properly complete this documentary. That's why you can click BELOW to donate to CHALK4PEACE, Inc., the non profit organization that is organizing the fundraising campaign and producing the film.
Donate here to CHALK4PEACE: Drawing Ferguson Together
Your secure contribution, through the trusted Pay Pal network allows for payment through your person Pay Pal account or by credit card. Thank you for your continued support. We're doing our best to share this important story with you.
Below is the link to the Indiegogo video where we introduced the concept of the film (3:15).