News from the Sidewalk

CHALK4PEACE is the global chalk art project about peace. We celebrate our eleventh year as a worldwide event encouraging peace. CHALK4PEACE, Inc.  is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization.

We've had more than 1000 events in 50 countries and have covered more than 12 miles of pavement with messages and visions of peace in sidewalk chalk...

We believe in  "Drawing the World Together..."

CHALK4PEACE participated in the Peace Day Student Observance at the United Nations in New York City in 2016 to honor the International Day of Peace. Hundreds of thousands of young artists of all ages have joined us since 2005.

Our goal: ONE MILLION artists Chalking 4 Peace at the same time...

Because we need Peace...Now more than ever...

CHALK4PEACE: Gooden School-9th year!


The Gooden School of Sierra Madre, CA has been drawing the world together with CHALK4PEACE since 2007 with a marvelous Teach Peace program that includes older students helping younger ones express their visions of peace. In addition to their morning convocation to begin the Day of Peace, the school studies Peace movements, Peacemakers and Builders, and asks the whole school what peace means to them, in words, art, music, and behavior. Gooden teaches that peace is an integral part of  the human condition and the school is to be commended for its enlightened and comprehensive sense of education. John Aaron, CEO of CHALK4PEACE, has attended many of Gooden's Peace Day celebrations and thanks Marianne van Voorst Ryan,  Merrily Dunlap, Meghan Snyder, the students, teachers and parents of the Gooden School for their continued enthusiasm and participation in CHALK4PEACE! image





Photos: Meghan Snyder, John Aaron

Global Men of Peace- October


The beginning of October marks three birthdays of great Men of Peace.

October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was born...image

On October 7, 1931, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, was born. He turns 84 this week.image

October 9th will mark John Lennon's 75th birthday. He was born in 1940.image

Let us honor these men who worked tirelessly to ask the world to give peace its chance...

you say it's their birthdays...

CHALK4PEACE is making a film about Peace and Justice in FergUSon. You can help...

We raised enough money with our Indiegogo campaign to begin our documentary, CHALK4PEACE: Drawing FergUSon Together. CHALK4PEACE is headed there with PARADIGM PICTURES for the Drawing FergUSon Together: A Vision of Peace  Social Justice Summit and Community Celebration Sept. 18-19 in FergUSon, Missouri.
Raising money to make sure this documentary gets made is ongoing; we ask you to help us create this historic film on Peace, Reconciliation and the use of art to encourage change. Thank you to all who helped us launch; and to all of you who continue to energize and support our efforts.

The link below is our secure PayPal account. Your contribution goes directly to CHALK4PEACE, Inc., our 501(c)(3) non profit. EIN 20-8913481



To see our completed Indiegogo campaign: CHALK4PEACE- Indiegogo Film Campaign 2015

The CHALK4PEACE Indiegogo Campaign is complete! Thank you all for your support!


Our campaign raised almost 50 % of our short film goal... a great start to launch CHALK4PEACE: Drawing FergUSon Together! Thank you all for your contributions, support and networking! We are tireless in our efforts get this film made! Stay tuned...!

Our Indiegogo film campaign- CHALK4PEACE: Drawing FergUSon Together imageimageimageOur Indiegogo campaign link-click here! 9 days left in our campaign...

imageOnly 10 days left in our Indiegogo campaign. Please support the making of this historically significant film.

Link: CHALK4PEACE: Drawing Ferguson Together


imageOur Indiegogo Campaign: CHALK4PEACE: Drawing FergUSon Together-a film imageimageimageCHALK4PEACE Indiegogo Campaign Page: The whole story